How to Empty Toilets in Oxygen Not Included: A Comprehensive Guide


In the bizarre and quirky world of Oxygen Not Included, you find yourself managing a colony of quirky duplicants in an asteroid, trying to survive and thrive. Among the many challenges you'll face, one of the most crucial is waste management. Yes, even in space, you can't escape the call of nature!

Understanding Toilets in Oxygen Not Included

Different Types of Toilets

Toilets come in various shapes and sizes in the game. From basic lavatories to advanced lavatories and even the infamous outhouses, each toilet has its own unique attributes and functionalities. Understanding the differences between them will help you make the right choice for your colony's needs.

Waste Management

Waste management is an essential aspect of Oxygen Not Included. As your duplicants go about their daily business, they produce waste that can quickly accumulate if not properly managed. Left unchecked, high waste levels can lead to all sorts of problems for your colony.

Step-by-Step Guide: Emptying Toilets

Assessing Waste Levels

Before you take any action, it's important to assess the waste levels in your toilets. You can do this by inspecting the toilets and checking their current waste capacity. Keeping a close eye on waste levels will help you plan when and where to empty the toilets.

Emptying the Toilets

Once you've identified toilets with high waste levels, it's time to empty them. This process involves tasking your duplicants to clean and disinfect the toilets. The collected waste can be stored or processed for other uses.

Dealing with Waste

Now that you have a pile of waste, what do you do with it? Proper waste disposal is crucial to maintain a healthy colony. You'll need to establish an efficient waste disposal system to prevent waste from piling up and causing havoc in your colony.

Tips and Tricks for Efficient Waste Management

Advanced Waste Handling Techniques

As your colony grows, waste management becomes more challenging. Advanced players employ clever strategies, such as recycling and reusing waste products, to keep their colonies clean and thriving.

Sanitation and Hygiene

Maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene is not only essential for the well-being of your duplicants but also for the overall health of your colony. Implementing measures to prevent diseases caused by poor sanitation is a must.

Automating Waste Management

In the advanced stages of the game, automation becomes your best friend. Learn how to set up automated waste disposal systems that will take care of waste management while you focus on other aspects of colony management.

Oxygen Not Included is a game that challenges you to think critically and creatively. Managing waste might not be the most glamorous task, but it's a crucial one for the survival of your colony. So, dive into the world of toilets and waste management, and ensure your duplicants can "go" in peace!

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